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The Howard and Elizabeth Caldwell Foundation was founded on October 14, 2016. It was founded by Harriette Gibbs in honor of her parents Howard and Elizabeth Caldwell along with Co-Founders Norris Goode Jr. and Jason Goode.

Mission: HEC creates and produces educational, recreational and social programs that empower and enrich the lives of our youth and families in urban communities.

The Howard and Elizabeth Caldwell Foundation (HEC) is created to empower children and teens, and special needs youth and families, including disenfranchised individuals and the physically and emotionally abused or challenged; through education, empowerment initiatives, and self-development strategies. Through strategically planned programs and collaborations, HEC will help our participants feel lighter in spirit, more resilient to life’s scattered hurdles, and more appreciative of the good things around them.

We’ll accomplish self-empowering initiatives by helping participants become clearer about their own identity and abilities – what they want in life – their life vision – and how to consciously transform their life for the better. No matter what they may be dealing with, participants will learn how their beliefs can shape the rest of their life through age-appropriate programming.
Serving our community
With strategically planned programs, HEC’s self-development programs will help those challenged with illiteracy, poverty, and self-destructive habits develop sustainable solutions to address the causes and effects of their lives. We will develop collaborations with local schools, colleges, grass roots organizations, and community members, to avoid duplication of services, while helping our participants become more self-reliant and empowered.
Serving our community
With strategically planned programs, HEC’s self-development programs will help those challenged with illiteracy, poverty, and self-destructive habits develop sustainable solutions to address the causes and effects of their lives. We will develop collaborations with local schools, colleges, grass roots organizations, and community members, to avoid duplication of services, while helping our participants become more self-reliant and empowered.

Paying it Back

What will also make HEC unique is, in addition to initiating immediate solutions to aid populations and teaching self-reliance; we will implement a “pay-it-forward” or “reach-back” model. What does this mean? As participants advance through our programs, they will be prepared to remain involved as mentors and coaches to encourage, educate and empower new participants; demonstrating the positive outcomes and deliverables our programs will produce.

The essence of HEC is a learning process that will continue throughout the lives of the individuals themselves. Education, training, preparation and self-evaluation are the basis of our work.

Through our multiple programs HEC will be focused on strengthening participants through relationship building, cultural awareness, enhanced values and morals, and life-skills training; all designed to influence students in a positive way.

HEC recognizes it’s important to help our youth develop and maintain good relationships with family, friends, elders and members of society in general, to better establish a more positive path for success in life. Therefore, we’ll strive to teach our youth how to maintain good relationships at home, school, work (if applicable)

and play. We’ll accomplish our goals by utilizing a youth centered mentorship approach to get to the core of what is troubling our youth, then building up their self-esteem, and inspiring a positive mindset through support and encouragement.

HEC will offer young people a unique path to improve their skills and abilities, by first changing the way they look at themselves through positive thinking strategies.

Working to Make their
future bright!
Current Board Members

Harriette Gibbs, CEO, Timothy Robinson, Treasurer, Sharon Randolph, Secretary, Devaul Emmett, Jason Goode, Phyllis Chestnut, Matt Langley, Stephanie Metz, and Norris Goode Jr.

“The HEC Founcation serves our community by providing much needed resources, educational, recreational and social programs that empower and enrich the lives of our youth and families in urban communities.“

Rickey Ivie
Attorney / Owner – Ivie, McNeill & Wyatt

Scholarship Applications Now Available


Scholarship Applications Now Open!! Deadline April 20, 20232021 Scholarship Application MD

                 P.O Box 11701
                Baltimore, Maryland 21206


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Your help can change the liFe of a child and family!




We are looking for a secretary, web designer, and a

social media manager.

If you support our mission and are interested in serving to help

the youth of Baltimore City please complete

the contact form indicating your interest.